* 為致力保障個人資料的私隱權,本公司訂立此私隱政策,確保在收集、使用及保留閣下資料時,均保障閣下的私隱。 閣下或須不時提供可辨識閣下個人身份的資料,以便本公司進行登記及管理。倘若沒有此等資料,便不能為閣下處理申請。此資料包括但不限於: 1) 中英文姓名; 2) 出生日期; 3) 性別; 4) 聯絡地此及電話; 5) 電郵地址; 6) 教育程度及職業; 7) 居住及上班地區; 本公司收集閣下的資料,只作本公司或附屬公司使用,絕不會轉售給第三者。本公司使用閣下之個人資料之主要用途如下: 1) 處理閣下申請成為本公司的神秘顧客調查員相關工作; 2) 安排閣下巡行的工作; 3) 載入本公司的神秘顧客資料庫; 4) 介紹本公司有關產品及資訊; 5) 處理付款; 本公司所持有閣下的個人資料將予以保密,只會披露此等資料給授權員工,本公司就閣下個人資料的保安設有監控程序。 閣下透過利用本網站,申請成為神秘顧客,同意本公司不時按本私隱政策聲明所述而收集及使用閣下之個人資料。 Mansfield Consulting Limited is committed to protect the privacy, usage and retention of your personal data protection. You may be required to provide your personal information to register as our Mystery Shopper or Panel Customer. In the absence of such information, we will not be able to process your application. This data includes, but not limited to: 1) Name in English; 2) Date of birth; 3) Gender; 4) Contact phone number; 5) E-mail address; 6) Education and occupation; 7) Living and work areas; We collect your information only for the Company and will not be resold to any third parties. Your personal information will be used for the following purposes: 1) Processing of your application as a mystery shopper; 2) Allocation of assessment assignments; 3) Storage into our mystery shopper database; 4) Introduction of the Mansfield’s services and information; 5) Processing payments; The security of your personal information held by the Company will be kept confidential and will only disclose such information to authorized employees of the Company in respect of your personal data has monitoring procedures Through the use of this website, you apply to become a mystery shopper and agree that the collection and use of your personal data as described in this Privacy Policy updated from time to time. |
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